Friday, October 21, 2011

Professional opinions of Pitocin to induce labor

According to current research on the effects of Pitocin to induce labor, many professionals find that there are many risks associated with the effects of Pitocin.  According to the first article I found on modern childbirth, the author discusses the effects of modern medical intervention on childbirth and the risks associated with the use of Pitocin to induce labor.  Although many health care providers see a need to induce labor with Pitocin, the dangers seem to outweigh the benefits because there is usually no urgent medical need to induce labor unless both the fetus and mother are at risk (Blustain, 2007).  The second article discusses the rise of cesarean section and the effect that pitocin has on the risk of cesarean section.  The use of Pitocin greatly increases the risk of cesarean section (Wendland, 2007).

                                                                               Works Cited
Blustain, S. (2007). Review: modern childbirth: failure to progress. The Women's Review of Books, 24(4), 3-5. Retrieved from

Wendland, C. (2007). The vanishing mother: cesarean section and evidence-based obstetrics. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 21(2), 218-233. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Good work, Bridgette. There's a discernible difference in the way the professional and public perceptions have been shaped. The professionals have clearly weighed costs and benefits, while the public seems more emotionally driven and single-minded.
